Policy on Entering into Auspice Agreements


The purpose of this policy is to articulate the process by which small groups or individuals may have projects and grants auspiced by Urban Planters Moreland.


It is the policy of Urban Planters Moreland to support, where appropriate, small groups or individuals who are unable to receive project grants without the assistance of an auspicing body.

The auspiced group or individual acknowledges that, as the auspicing body, Urban Planters Moreland receives funds from government or other sources on behalf of the group or individual.

Full responsibility for grant application and contracting, project delivery, monitoring of expenditure and acquittal remains will the group or individual.

The auspiced group or individual:

  • Plans, prepares and submits the application and enters the contract directly with the funding organisation.
  • Is responsible for providing Urban Planters Moreland with full and complete information and financial data to enable Urban Planters Moreland to receive, distribute and account for auspiced funds.
  • Assumes complete and full responsibility for all other aspects of project application, delivery (including insurances, loss or damage to any third party) and acquittal.
  • The auspiced group or individual confirm that the Auspice Agreement will be complied with and that it adequately protects Urban Planters Moreland.

Conditions for entry into Auspice Agreement

Urban Planters Moreland will only enter an Auspice Arrangement under the following conditions:

  1. The project or activities for which the funding is sought for the auspiced group or individual furthers the mission of Urban Planters Moreland in some way and is consistent with the objectives of Urban Planters Moreland.
    1. The auspiced group or individual is a member of Urban Planters Moreland or
    2. The application for auspicing is supported by a member of Urban Planters Moreland
  2. A request for Urban Planters Moreland to auspice a grant is made in writing to the Urban Planters Moreland committee of management prior to any grant applications being lodged. This request must include a brief description of the project to be auspiced, budget outline and contact details of the Urban Planters Moreland member who is the project referee.
  3. The committee must have made sufficient enquires about the auspiced group or individual and the project in question and be satisfied it can meet all of the requirements of the Auspice Agreement and the relevant provisions of the funding arrangement (the Funding Agreement).
  4. Urban Planters Moreland will provide a letter of support for the funding application (where required) outlining the Auspice Agreement that has been reached.
  5. If the grant application is successful, the arrangement will be governed by an Auspice Agreement executed by both parties.
  6. The Auspice Agreement must include provision for an Auspice Fee payable to Urban Planters Moreland of between 5% and 15% of the overall amount of the grant to be auspiced unless otherwise agreed where the auspice does not involve funding. The fee charged is to cover administration and financial costs arising from the arrangement. The level of the fee will be determined by the Urban Planters Moreland committee with regard to the project in question.
  7. The fee does not include any project related expenses (such as telephone, photocopying, printing, postage and so forth). The auspiced group or individual will be charged separately for any such expenses incurred by Urban Planters Moreland on behalf of the project.
  8. The auspice agreement must also include financial arrangements that are satisfactory for Urban Planters Moreland to be able to meet its obligations as an incorporated association and to ensure the proper use of funds flowing from the project.
  9. All contracts and legal documents concerning the project must be sighted by the Urban Planters Moreland committee prior to being signed by the auspiced group or individual.
  10. The auspiced group or individual will acknowledge the support of Urban Planters Moreland on any promotional material relating to the project.
  11. The Auspice Agreement can be terminated with 14 days notice should the auspiced group or individual fail to comply with the terms of the Auspice Agreement or the Funding Agreement.


The Urban Planters Moreland Committee of Management will approve auspice projects that meet the above conditions and enter into an Auspice Agreement on behalf of the organisation.

The Committee must undertake a project assessment to satisfy themselves that arrangement falls within the parameters outlined above. The committee members must fully understand the legal implications from the agreement and conduct a risk assessment. Any project that creates a material risk for Urban Planters Moreland or which does not satisfy the criteria outlined cannot be approved.

Version: February 2020

To be reviewed by: 28th February 2021